+48 697 244 144 [email protected]

Biomechanical Foot


Upya Biomechanical Foot Prosthesis – reproduces the natural movement of the human foot.

We will do it for You!

 What is this?

Upya dynamic foot is a response to the needs of patients looking for a comfortable, dynamic and, most importantly, economically accessible prosthetic foot. It is distinguished by above-average dynamics. It is a fully biomechanical product: it reproduces the best possible construction – the human skeleton! Provides unprecedented comfort: thanks to the specific geometry and materials used. Upya provides extended durability thanks to its replaceable parts.

What makes us stand out?

We are the exclusive distributor of Exoneo, the manufacturer of Upya’s prosthetic foot in Poland. The Upya prosthetic foot offers a significant advantage for orthopedic professionals: the ability to manage inventory more easily at a lower cost. Each foot is removable and all that is required is spare parts to install a new foot. You will never be surprised with Upya, ensuring the highest satisfaction for your patients.

Replaceable parts

All parts of the foot are replaceable, so they can be replaced in case of wear. After replacing a given part, the foot works as well as a new one.

Adjustable size

It is an adjustable foot in the range from 25 to 28 cm (sizes 38/39 to 43/44). In other words, you can adjust the same foot to a patient whose foot size is 38 cm and 44 cm, or choose the right or left side respectively.

Managing the goods at a lower cost

Our bionic rate allows for easier inventory management at lower costs. In fact, each foot can be disassembled and replaced with the correct parts, so you’ll never be unprepared to fulfill your order.

Same foot fromod 25 to 28 cm and from 60 do 110 kg

How does it work?

Comfort of use!

Heel strike is soft and comfortable.

Feel self- confident!

A very stable structure ensures maximum safety.

Even more mobility!

A wide range of forefoot motion provides an amazing experience.

Gait dynamic.

High gait dynamics thanks to the energy accumulated by the fiberglass blade.



St. Ryska 1 E

15-008 Białystok / Poland



Company information

  • NIP: 966 211 96 38
  • Regon: 369782962
